Monday, September 13, 2004

Iraq invasion: Worst strategic error in US history?: "Most are Republicans, he says, many supported the decision to invade Iraq in March 2003. Next he writes: 'I have sat through arguments among soldiers and scholars about whether the invasion of Iraq should be considered the worst strategic error in American history -- or only the worst since Vietnam ... Many say things in Iraq will eventually look much better than they do now. But about the conduct and effect of the war in Iraq one view prevails: it has increased the threats America faces, and has reduced the military, financial and diplomatic tools with which we can respond.'

"Among the many people quoted in the Atlantic is Jeffrey Record, a professor of strategy at the Air War College, who summed up a good deal of the thinking in Washington now: 'Are we better off in basic security than before we invaded Iraq? The answer is no. An unnecesary war has consumed American Army and outher ground resources, to the point where we have nothing left in the cupboard for another contingency"

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