Saturday, June 19, 2004

More idiotic media 'self criticism': "In a hilarious attempt at self criticism, “The Editors” at The New Republic have excreted a piece called “Were We Wrong?” (Their answer: No.) You have to read this nonsense for yourself. But here is the flavor of it, from the editors of what might be The Worst Magazine in the World.

"They do admit: “The central assumption underlying this magazine's strategic rationale for war now appears to have been wrong.” (They’re referring to the idea that Iraq was busily building a nuclear weapon.) Duh. Everyone with any sense knew that before the war. Those with no sense figured it out a few weeks after the war. Then there is TNR, just realizing it now."

Anyone with any sense wouldnt have even read this corporate rubbish in the first place, but I suppose it is good for a laugh in hindsight. The sooner the whole corporate media puts itself behind registered sites and we kiss it all goodbye forever the better.

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