Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Australian troops show signs of uranium sickness
'Dr Douglas Rokke is a former US Army nuclear health physicist and was formerly the Pentagon's expert on the health effects of depleted uranium ammunition... "Although myself and my team members wore respiratory and skin protection, that protection we know today does not provide any adequate protection against the inhalation, the ingestion, the absorption of uranium compounds." He said he now suffered rashes, respiratory problems, kidney problems and cataracts related to his exposure to uranium. Dr Rokke is in Australia to speak against the use of depleted uranium weapons, which he describes as a crime against humanity, creating a toxicological nightmare.'

'"We'd like our government as a bare minimum to put Australian service veterans from the first and second Gulf wars, as well as Afghanistan, through rigorous testing to get a baseline study of exactly what the health effects are of depleted uranium and other chemical toxins ... and treat them," Mr Grech said. "So far our government has been furphying, it's been releasing reports which parrot the Pentagon line six to 12 months later, it's been in a state of denial."'

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