Thursday, February 20, 2003

Gabriel Kolko: The Crisis in NATO
"Eastern European nations may say what Washington wishes today, but economically they are far more dependent on Germany and those allied with it. When the 15 nations in European Union met on February 17 their statement on Iraq was far closer to the German-French position than the American, reflecting the antiwar nations' economic clout as well as the response of some prowar political leaders to the massive antiwar demonstrations that took place the preceding weekend in Italy, Spain, Britain and the rest of Europe.

"There is every likelihood that the U.S. will emerge from this crisis in NATO more belligerent, and more isolated and detested, than ever. NATO will then go the way of SEATO and all of the other defunct American alliances. The reality is that the world is increasingly multipolar, economically and technologically, and that the U.S.' desire to maintain absolute military superiority over the world is a chimera. The U.S. has no alternative but to accept the world as it is, or prepare for doomsday."

In Kolko's analysis the American 'Project for a New American Century' - world domination achieved by unilateral military superiority - is doomed before it even starts. The French veto (if it comes) of the US/UK Iraq war resolution will be an historic turning point, symbolising the emergence of Europe as a genuine rival to the United States and the simultaneous defeat of American hegemonic ambitions almost as soon as they have been announced. The Iraq/Arab war, if it is launched as still seems likely, could be such a mess it will be America's final imperial adventure, ending after years of savage killing in a humiliating total defeat, just like Vietnam.

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