Tuesday, January 28, 2003

UN Iraq Nuclear inspection conclusion
"To conclude: we have to date found no evidence that Iraq has revived its nuclear weapons programme since the elimination of the programme in the 1990s. However, our work is steadily progressing and should be allowed to run its natural course. With our verification system now in place, barring exceptional circumstances, and provided there is sustained proactive cooperation by Iraq, we should be able within the next few months to provide credible assurance that Iraq has no nuclear weapons programme. These few months would be a valuable investment in peace because they could help us avoid a war. We trust that we will continue to have your support as we make every effort to verify Iraq’s nuclear disarmament through peaceful means, and to demonstrate that the inspection process can and does work, as a central feature of the international nuclear arms control regime."

Such a conclusion surely makes the case for a continuation of the inspections for another few months as requested, ie that there is no case for war right now. It will be up to France, Germany, Russia and others to support a resolution to this effect. Of course, the statements of Britain and the US and the prominence that they are given in the SMH reporting indicate that the Bush Administration is still determined to go to war at a time of their choosing.

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